Lesson 7- Creating a Prototype | Forum

Admin BASIC (free)
Admin Sep 4 '14, 12:05PM

Lesson 7- Creating a Prototype

Throughout this Service-Learning module, the students have been exploring their community to begin the process of compiling a needs assessment.  The students have been looking at the culture, demographics and social norms in the community to determine underrepresented members of the community who may have specific needs that can be addressed through a service-learning project.  In this activity, the students will use all of the information they have gathered about the community, the needs of the underrepresented stakeholder and will create a prototype that will be used as a communication tool with the stakeholder.

 introducing this lesson will soon appear here. 

Below you'll find links to the following resources:

- Lesson plan (.pdf)

- Prototype Student Sheet (.pdf)

- Exit Slip (.pdf)

- Teacher Reflection (.pdf)

- PowerPoint presentation to guide the lesson (.pdf)

The Forum post is edited by Jean Trusedell Sep 15 '14, 08:18AM