Lesson 11- Redesign of the Proof of Concept Prototype | Forum

Admin BASIC (free)
Admin Sep 4 '14, 12:02PM

Lesson 11- Redesign of the Proof of Concept Prototype


In this activity, the students will be taking the information that they have gathered from the stakeholders about the prototype, the data from their project testing and develop a redesign plan for their prototype. Through thoughtful evaluation of their data, they will be able to draw conclusions about the viability and usefulness of the proposal.

Video introducing this lesson will soon appear here. 

Below you'll find links to the following resources:

- Lesson plan (.pdf)

- Student Sheet (.pdf)

- Exit Slip (.pdf)

- Teacher Reflection (.pdf)

- Guidelines for Innovate Phase (.pdf)

- PowerPoint presentation to guide the lesson (.pdf)

The Forum post is edited by Jean Trusedell Sep 15 '14, 08:21AM