Virtual Session 3- Conceptual and Detailed Design with Assessments | Forum

Jean Trusedell PRO
Jean Trusedell Sep 28 '15, 02:05PM
In this session we will be reviewing the EPICS Design Model and how students will be assessed through the design cycle.

During class # 3 we will be exploring the Conceptual and Detailed Design Phases of the EPICS design cycle.
1) What are the Goals of the Conceptual and Detailed Design Phases

2) How would your students use the resources in the two design cycles to be able to further develop their projects and bring them to the point of having a working prototype?

Watch the following video

Video 1- Human-Centered Design Model related to EPICS

Activity 1-

* Review the Conceptual Design and Detail design Phases and how brainstorming and the use of multiple prototypes is essential to the development of a successful project.

* Review how the DFMEA (Design Failure Mode Effects Analysis) is important to determine catastrophic failures that could impact the design.

Activity 2- Conceptual Design Phase

Overview:  In this phase, the teams have evaluated the general design of their product, leaving the smaller details for the Detailed Design Phase.
You will pull together:

·         Brainstorming ideas that you have created integrated in the Gantt and PERT charts

·         Information from your stakeholders gathered from the multiple prototypes

·         Information from the testing and redesign of your prototype

·         The updated budget for the project.

Activity 3- Detailed Design

Overview of the Detailed Design Phase:In the detailed design phase, teams will determine the smaller details of their product, now that they have determined the basics of the product. They will need to:

        * Use the engineering specifications developed in phase two, to draw designs for every part of their product (and for the ways in which those parts will work together), starting with the simplest parts that need to be designed.

        * Create a report that defends their design detailing how it will work and how the design constraints will be addressed. This report is called a proof-of-concept.

         * Create a working prototype, test the product and ask targeted stakeholders to used it and give feedback on how well it works.

         * Compile a detailed list of potential ways that the product could malfunction (these malfunctions are called design failures), and develop a list of solutions of how these failures can be prevented.

            * Determine the information that they stakeholders need to know in order to use the product.

Preparation for the EPICS Implementation Plan for Virtual Session #4

Attached you will find the Teacher Project Planning Document for the implementation of EPICS in your school. You will also find a project plan from Xavier College Preparatory School in Phoenix AZ as an example. In the final virtual session of the EPICS training we will discuss your potential plan and get feedback from other members of the cohort to help with the implementation.

Documents to be used in this session:
* Virtual Session #3 Questions
* Year Long EPICS Overview
* Xavier Project Planning Document example
* Teacher Project Planning Document
* 3.15 EP Gate 3 Student Guide (Conceptual Design Phase)
* 4.15 EP Gate 4 Student Guide (Detailed Design Phase)
The Forum post is edited by Jean Trusedell Sep 28 '15, 02:05PM