Lesson 5 Special needs in the community and our school
There are many members of any community that do not have equal access to technology, materials or services. These could be divisions based on culture, race, disability, education or lack of technology. Through this activity, the students will be exploring different underrepresented members of the community and determine if it would be possible to design a project that would meet their needs. The students will utilize observation skills of taking field notes and will use this information to identify gaps between current situations for under served groups and potential solutions that would improve the lives of these citizens through service-learning projects.
Video introducing this lesson will soon appear here.
Below you'll find links to the following resources:
- Lesson plan (.pdf)
- Student Sheet (.pdf)
- Exit Slip (.pdf)
- Teacher Reflection (.pdf)
- Special Needs Observations (.pdf)
- PowerPoint presentation to guide the lesson (.pdf)