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In the EPICS curriculum for K-12 schools we help students learn how to solve real life challenges for real people to create real impact in communities. Through this experience students learn that engineers are creating a better world for all of us. 

When I read the following news story my first thought was "I wonder if these engineers are graduates of an EPICS program?"

Engineering a Better Food Bank

For the past few years, a team of engineers has spent long hours poring over data files and complex computer models. They weren't designing nuclear reactors or high-tech cars--they were using their technology and expertise to improve programs that feed the hungry.

CLICK HERE to read the rest of the story

If you're an educator in a school or after school program and you'd like your students engaged in authentic STEM education please join our community and access our resources. We're ready to help you help your students change the world. Click on the "Join" tab above.